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Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Funk
Hauptplatz 24
2095 Drosendorf/Thaya

0043 2915 27 65




Born in Bremen (Germany) in 1952
since 1978 married with the artist
Sabine Müller-Funk, two daughters.

Higher Education (in Germany and Austria):
University of Munich, 1971 - 1977:
German Studies, History, Philosophy, Spanish.
M.A.: German Studies,
History "mit Auszeichnung" ("with excellence")
University of Munich, 1977 - 1980:
German Studies, History, Spanish
Dr. phil. Thesis: Literatur als geschichtliches Argument.
Zur ästhetischen Konzeption und Geschichtsverarbeitung
in Lion Feuchtwangers Romantrilogie 'Der Wartesaal'
Supervision: Renate von Heydebrand
"Habilitation" (2nd PhD) in literature and philosophy:
Erfahrung und Experiment. Studien zu Theorie und
Geschichte des Essayismus.
Univ. Klagenfurt, 1993.
Venia legendia in philosophy of culture, German Studies.
Supervision: Peter Heintel and Friedbert Aspetsberger
Extermal examiner: Jochen Hörisch (Mannheim) and
Willem van Reijen (Utrecht)

Institutional Or Professional Membership:
Chair, Internationale Gesellschaft für Mittel- und
Osteuropa-Forschung, Vienna

Postgraduate teaching:
Twenty two years experience of teaching literature, media, cultural studies
and philosophy at undergraduate level; seven years of teaching and
supervising at postgraduate level (in Vienna and Birmingham).
Supervision of about 20 postgraduates.
International European postgraduate conference at the
University of Vienna, April 2002
(in co-operation with the University of Birmingham,
Nottingham Trent University, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin,
Universität Viadrina Frankfurt / Oder and others)

PhD examiner at the Free University, Brussels,
Internal examiner at the IGS( twice)

Conference Papers
(more than fourty): Modern Language Association (MLA),
New Orleans 2001; Austrian Society for German Studies (ÖGG),
Vienna 1998, 2000, 2001;
International Crossroads Conference, Birmingham 2000, Tampere 2002;
University Teachers of German in Great Britain and Ireland (UTG),
Keele 1999, Southampton 2000;

Conferences on various themes at:
University of Oxford
University of London (IGS)
University of Southampton
University of Aston
University of Warwick
Icon Gallery, Birmingham
University of Heidelberg
Universität Göttingen
Universität Hamburg
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität (FU) Berlin
Universität Potsdam
Universität Oldenburg
Universität Erfurt
Universität Jena, Germany
Karl Franzens-Universität Graz
Donau-Universität Krems, Austria
University of Prague
Masaryk University, Brno
Univ. of Olomouc, Czech Republic
University Budapest (ELTE)
Univ. of Szeged, Hungary
Universiteit Antwerpen (UFSIA)
Universiteit Gent, Belgium

Università di Trento, Italy
Univ. Ljubljana, Slovenia
Universiteit van Amsterdam

Research and professional activities
Current research interests: Theory of Culture
(own research project 1995 / 96, 1998 - 2001);
European Cultural Studies;
Ego-documents in European romanticism;
self images and images of the others in German-British relations;
Anthropology of Media (research project 1994-1996);
Hermann Broch and Elias Canetti.

One PhD Completion (Vienna); One Mphil (Birmingham);
Currently superversing

Application of the project :Self-images and images of the other:
Germany and the United Kingdom for Volkswagenstiftung, Germany
(together with Universität Potsdam), April 2002
(one English, one German postdoc)

Joint Universities Project on Cultural Studies (Vienna, Saarbrücken,
Amsterdam, Birmingham, Nottingham-Trent, Frankfurt / Oder,
Humboldt Universität), supervising a feasibility study on Cultural Studies
in Europe, co-organising international postgraduate conferences

Supervisor of the research project Ruling Power, ethnic differentiation
and literature. Self images and images of the other in
Austria and Hungary 1867 - 1918 (funded by the National Research Board FWF,
Vienna with three researchers from Austria, three from Hungary and one
PhD student in Birmingham, funded in the U.K., applications in Germany and
at the EC are in progressu)

Co-supervisor of the research project (on Romanticism in Vienna 1815-1830)
with conferences in London, Vienna and Budapest), 1999-2002

Other professional activities
Series editor: Francke, Tübingen-Berne; Culture and Ruling Power
(with Klaus R. Scherpe and Moritz Csáky)
Regular reviews in German speaking newspapers
Member of the Board of the Evangelische Akademie, Vienna
Member of the Board of www.kakanien.ac.at

Outside interests
Film, Arts
Ikon Gallery , Birmingham
Blau-Gelbe Galerie, Zwettl (Austria)
Member of Podium / Austria (Literary Society)
Sigmund Freud-Society, Vienna

Knowledges in language
German (native speaker), English;
Spanish( four semester at University),
French (school); Italian (courses); Czech (courses)
Teaching experiences in adult education